
First off, this was never supposed to be a blog and you were never supposed to read this. Actually, no one was ever supposed to read this except for me and a few other people who aren’t even alive yet. But low and behold, here we are a few months later, on good ol’ Tumblr. I’ll explain.

Two months ago, I had the idea of writing some short essays to pass down to my future kid. A brief history: The past few years of my life have been made up of a series of difficult transitions, the most recent being six weeks ago with my parent’s divorcing and my grandpa passing. That being said, I got the crash course in the Human Experience 101. Back to my future child though. The plan was to write down the lessons I learned through these experiences. But things didn’t work out that way. As I wrote, things seemed to get clear. And by things, I mean the answers to my life’s problems. It was like something had been triggered in me and I just felt compelled to share with everyone what I was figuring out for myself. It sounds over the top dramatic. I know. But that’s how I felt and how I still feel. As I sat down to sort out my beliefs on paper, I realized how much my perspective on life had shifted because of what I had been through. I kept on having these moments of complete clarity where things made sense for the first time. Maybe you’ve felt that way before, maybe you haven’t. It’s literally that moment when you’re like, “oh shit, I get it now.” For me, a lot of those moments were brought on by either a book I was reading, something I was watching, or someone I was talking to. Regardless, the lessons I came to understand were clear and worth repeating. As it turned out, my emotional roller coaster of a life was good for something. It caused me to seriously reevaluate what it meant to be truly happy.

So why couldn’t I just keep my little philosophies to myself? As I talked to my friends and other people, I realized that (& there has to be a better way to say this) no one has their shit together. What I mean by that is that everyone (literally everyone) is discontent in some way. I kept hearing the same things from the people I spoke to. I hate my job. I can’t find a job. My Dad is a total ass. My mom is an alcoholic. I can’t get over my ex. I don’t know if I love her/him. I’m broke. I got my Master’s in something I actually hate. Only two people liked my picture of frozen yogurt on Instagram. I’m a fat beached whale and no one loves me. You get it. The thing is, we’re all human beings, and we’re wired to long for true happiness and connection. (Unless you’re a psychopath) The catch is, most of us don’t have a fucking clue how to go about getting it. We’re taught to go to school, have a career, get married, buy a house, have kids, and retire. That’s the formula we’ve been given if we want to feel “whole.” But there is SO much more to it than that. You know it and I know it. So why can’t everyone just figure it out?

I realize right now I sound like an angry hippie.

Bear with me.

The reason why I am sharing this with you is because I wholeheartedly believe there are ways to live a better life that is in line with what you TRULY want. Not what your Dad wants. Not what your girlfriend wants. What YOU want. & listen, I am by no means an expert, but I can share with you what I’ve come to understand and believe through my own experiences. These are the constant truths I’ve found to be right on again and again. This is not a place where you’re going to find pictures of inspirational quotes superimposed over a pink sunset. These essays are honest and real. And just to clarify, this is not something I’m doing to showcase my talent, writing ability, or lack thereof for that matter. It is truly written in hopes that maybe these words can set off spark in you or at the very least, make you think. So read it or leave it. & for those of you who stick around, enjoy. xo

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